What we do

EVOC Class

On January 26th, some WVFD members took their final driving test for this year’s Emergency Vehicle Operators Class (EVOC) class. This is a class that certifies members to drive Class I and II emergency vehicles, which will allow our volunteers to further aid the career staff at the Williamsburg Fire Department. Encouraging our members to expand their training and certifications is a priority at WVFD and we thank all of our members willing to learn new skills!

Our Rehab 10 and Medic 10 apparatuses were used for the final driving test as pictured above.

Our Rehab 10 and Medic 10 apparatuses were used for the final driving test as pictured above.

Members taking the class were tasked with weaving through cones and backing up into different parking spaces.

Members taking the class were tasked with weaving through cones and backing up into different parking spaces.

Here Rehab 10 is weaving through cones. The Rehab is very long and this exercise shows how well the driver can maneuver the vehicle.

Here Rehab 10 is backing up into a parking space delineated by cones. Due to limited visibility, the driver must rely on mirrors and practice to accurately back up.

WVFD Installation of Officers

At our January 14th meeting, City Councilman Ted Maslin (fifth from the left) installed the 2019 Board of Directors, which is pictured in front of Engine 10. Ted Maslin led each board member in reciting their oath of office in front of the membership. Congratulations to the 2019 Board of Directors!

From left to right: Fire Sergeant/Operations Lieutenant, Collegiate Sergeant, Secretary, Treasurer, Councilman Ted Maslin, EMS Sergeant, Vice President, and President.

From left to right: Fire Sergeant/Operations Lieutenant, Collegiate Sergeant, Secretary, Treasurer, Councilman Ted Maslin, EMS Sergeant, Vice President, and President.